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/ / / Wow too cute! #X-Men themed #LG X phones coming soon to Europe and the Americas

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Superheroes dominate the movie theaters and soon they will conquer mobile phones as well. LG is cross-promoting its X-series of phones with the new X-Men movies. These "themed" phones will launch in July for Europe, the US and Latin America.
The two new phones from yesterday - LG X Power and LG X Style - are linked to Professor X ("Long Lasting Power") and Mystique ("Fabulously Flawless Looks") respectively.
LG X Power, Professor X LG X Style, Mystique
LG X Power, Professor X • LG X Style, Mystique
The first duo - LG X Cam and LG X Screen - are Cyclops ("Extraordinary vision") and Nightcrawler ("Agile and Swift").
LG X Cam, Cyclops LG X Screen, Nightcrawler
LG X Cam, Cyclops • LG X Screen, Nightcrawler
Then there are two phones that haven't even been announced yet - LG X Max and LG X Mach. Their inner heroes are Beast ("Big Beauty") and Quicksilver ("Extreme Super Speed").
LG X Max, Beast LG X Mach, Quicksilver
LG X Max, Beast • LG X Mach, Quicksilver
We can safely guess that the X Max will be a large-screened phablet. The X Mach is tougher - fast processor or fast camera (e.g. high-fps slow-motion to capture fast moving things, like Quicksilver).
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